Category Archives: Electrical Safety

Sizing main protective bonding conductors, advice and guidance.

Sizing main protective bonding conductors, advice and guidance. For the protective measure Automatic Disconnection of Supply (ADS), main protective bonding conductors are required to connect extraneous-conductive-parts, such as metallic water and gas pipes, to the main earthing terminal. The correct bonding of an electrical installation ensures that under earth fault conditions all exposed- conductive-parts and… Continue Reading

Earthing and Bonding ?

So what is the difference between Earthing and Bonding ? Earthing and bonding have often been confused as being the same thing when in fact the two are quite distinct from each other. Many electricians hear the term ‘earth bonding’ this essentially is a meaningless term that has somehow found its way into everyday vocabulary… Continue Reading

Overloaded Sockets Cause FIRE.

Ratings of commonly used domestic appliances Overloaded Sockets Cause FIRE. The appliance power ratings shown below are indicative only. We’ve used the highest that we could find for popular household appliances. Electrical power is measured in watts, W, a unit of power. Electrical current is measured in amps, A, the rate at which it flows.… Continue Reading