Category Archives: part p registered electrician

Electrician & Plumber Plymouth Sparky

We can provide high-quality electrical & Plumbing services to the homeowner and small business. Fully insured and fully qualified, you’re guaranteed a quality job. 
Call Our Electrician  Tel: 01752 905260   
Call Our Plumber      Tel: 01752 905261

We can provide high-quality electrical services to the homeowner and small business. Fully insured and fully qualified, you’re guaranteed a quality job. And yes you will get an electrical certificate for works carried out.

Electrical & Plumbing Contractors Plymouth Sparky Ltd, our reputation and business have grown almost completely by word of mouth and we pride ourselves on being quick, tidy, reliable and highly competitive.

Plymouth Sparky Electrician & Plumber Plymouth assists with sound advice, good ideas, and a positive and professional attitude.
We are renowned for consistently going the extra mile to keep my clients happy. So why wait, phone Plymouth Sparky Today.
 01752905261 or 01752905260

Outside Garden Socket Installation Plymouth Devon

Outside Garden Socket Installation Plymouth Devon

Correctly installed, an exterior socket is a very useful facility to have. It means you no longer have to run extension leads from inside the house, with the potential for tripping over them! It enables you to run electric garden equipment such as a lawn mower, hedge trimmer and various other items including power tools,… Continue Reading

Hot Tub Electrical Installation

Guide for People thinking of installing a Hot Tub for the summer. Hot Tub Electrical Installation. The Government introduced a law in January 2005 which demands that most electrical work in UK households is only carried out by a ‘competent person’. The law means that Electrical safety requirements have been included in a new Part… Continue Reading

Make Safe Electrics A Home Upgrade Priority

Make Safe Electrics A Home Upgrade Priority Make Safe Electrics A Home Upgrade Priority New plans to update, do up our house are often dreamt up with plans for the garden, the Kitchen etc, but do we stop to think, How Safe Is Your Electrics. However, one resolution which should be taken seriously is ensuring that the… Continue Reading

part p registered electrician Plymouth Sparky

Part P registered electrician Plymouth Sparky What is Part P? In 2005 the Government introduced electrical safety rules into the Building Regulations for England and Wales. Because of this, most fixed electrical installation work in homes must, by law, meet the Building Regulations. Part P states that anyone carrying out electrical installation work in a home… Continue Reading